
作者:朱启贵时间: 2013-06-09 00:01:55





  1 本书编写组:《十八报告学习辅导百问》,北京:党建读物出版社、学习出版社,2012年,第144~146页。

  2 “河水,不能承受之污”, 银川新闻网,http://www.ycen.com.cn/content/2012-05/19/content_1098093.htm.

  3 “我国四成国土面临水土流失 东北局部黑土层已消失”,《人民日报海外版》,2010年8月7日。

  4 国务院新闻办公室:“中国的减灾行动”,2009年5月11日,http://finance.people.com.cn/GB/9278241.html。

  5 “习近平在十八届中共中央政治局第一次集体学习时的讲话”,http://news.xinhuanet.com/2012-11/19/c_123967017.htm。

  6 朱启贵:《可持续发展评估》,上海财经大学出版社,1999年,第5页。

  7 European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations, World Bank, System of Environmental-Economic Accounting: Central Framework 2012, http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/White_cover.pdf.

  Research on the Establishment of the Policy System for National Ecological Conservation

--Discussing the "Beautiful China" Program at the Operational Level(点击此处阅读下一页)

  Zhu Qigui

  Abstract: The current state of China's ecological environment is seriously worrying, which has rung the ecological security alarm. We must fully understand the vital importance and urgency of ecological conservation; use the "Five-in-One" principle as our guide; comprehensively apply the concept, principle and goal of ecological conservation to all aspects and the whole process of political, economic, cultural and social development; establish regional coordination and cooperation mechanism for ecological conservation; improve the comprehensive evaluation system for economic and social development and its supporting system; refine the policies and regulations for ecological conservation; intensify efforts to promote energy saving, emission reduction and green development; enhance the overall social awareness of ecological conservation; and strive to build a beautiful China.

  Keywords: Ecological conservation, beautiful China, Five-in-One




